Women United connects and engages women who want to make a significant impact in our community.
Are you a dynamic, passionate, and community-minded woman? Then consider membership in Women United!
Why Engage
- Network with other influential women who have a passion for the community through regular social events and volunteer opportunities.
- Participate in volunteer projects that make a meaningful impact in our community, such as GEM (Girls EMpowered), our after-school program for fifth-grade girls designed to boost self-esteem and school readiness.
- Know that your contribution supports United Way’s work to improve education, financial stability, health, and basic needs across Henderson County.
- Know that a portion of your gift also directly supports focused projects that benefit the education and self-sufficiency of women and children in Henderson County.
- Learn more. Click here to access our 2023-2024 Year in Review.
Membership in Women United
- Your annual United Way investment of $1,000 or more qualifies you for membership in Women United. Women who make a joint gift with a spouse/partner of $1,000 or more or are currently members of the Ochlawaha Society, United Way’s Leadership Giving Circle, are eligible to participate in Women United.
- A step-up program is available at a tiered level of $500/$750/$1000 over the course of three years.
- Membership for women under 40 is offered at $500 annually.
- The Women United Sponsorship Fund is available for individuals who are interested in joining but may not be able to meet the minimum donation level. For more details, please email Finance or click here to download the sponsorship fund interest form.
- Join Women United. Click here for a pledge card.
Click here to download the Women United brochure.
If you have questions or would like more information about Women United please email Mary Ellen Kustin or call 828-692-1636 ext. 1107.
Women United Executive Committee Members
Lauren Wilkie, Chair
René McMasters, Vice-Chair
Pauline Carpenter
Anna Conner
Christa Mason
Beth McCann
Kathryn McConnell
Laura Crago Mukosiej
Gretchen Nicholson
Tracy Robinson
Thank You to our Women United Sponsors
GEM Backpack Sponsor